Insurance Advice-A Guide to Filing for a Life Insurance Benefit
For those who happen to be beneficiaries to a deceased person’s life insurance policy, then it follows that you will want to file for a death benefit claim that you happen to be entitled to as a beneficiary from the policy. In the event that you fail to file for these benefit claims, you are definitely never going to see these benefits come your way in the necessary and rightfully deserved compensation. The saddening or surprising fact is that a number of the beneficiaries to these claims and benefits actually fail to file for the claims and as such there is such a huge figure in unclaimed insurance claims that is being held by the authorities, figures estimated to have gone as high as to hit the $1 billion mark.
Many may have had a poor view of the need to go for the claims. There are some who have had a view that filing for these claims is a sign of being greedy.
Fact is that a life insurance policy is generally designed and purposed to help the loved ones who are or will be left behind to cope with the loss that they will have sustained past the passing on of the family member who may have been insured in the life insurance policy, who may have been the provider to the family. This is in acknowledgement of the fact that the financial responsibilities that often follow the death of the loved one who may have been the provider to the family actually happen to be so immense and as such there should never be a shame in pursuing the claims that you are so entitled to. Here under is a look at some of the things to do and some of the steps to take so as to effectively make your file for these benefits arising from a deceased one’s life insurance policy as a beneficiary to the policy.
When it comes to this need, what you need to ensure that you have done first is to get the details to the policy. For this, you may want to get the policy document. In case you happen to be aware of the place where these would be stored or kept by the deceased one, whether it is a safe place such as a bank or such other like depositories and the like, then it will be easier for you. But if you happen to be unaware and unable to trace these, then you may want to liaise with the insurance agents or the human resources department where your loved one so deceased worked with so as to start tracing these.
Then you need to check other policies and as well contact the insurance agent.