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Essential Facts Regarding CTS Lead Tinning Equipment That You Should Know Of

There are so many things that you have to be aware of when it comes to a CTS Lead Tinning Equipment such as the fact that it possesses a comprehensive process control which has something to do with simultaneous moves, dwell, time, travel speed, emersion depth and also, solder them. Not only that, we want you to know that a CTS Lead Tinning Equipment also has the following features: High precision balls screw motion, Rotation Motion Control, Spec Compliant, and Auto Load and Unload. It also has unlimited programs as well as high mix, high volume capacity. Another thing about CTS Lead Tinning Equipment that we want you to know of is that its standard configuration includes a load of manual regarding component tooling that is used for universal sockets. There are three conventional stations that you must know of regarding CTS Lead Tinning Equipment, and these are as follow: a dynamic recirculating flux station, a scavenge pot with static molten solder and also, a progressive recirculating new allow dip station. It has been said that the DSP comprises an automatic dross wiper as well as nitrogen insertion. Other standards of configuration for CTS Lead Tinning Equipment include the following: a lifetime solder pot warranty, a one-year system warranty, process, and program management software, and an integrated computer as well.

There are other things that you have to be aware of when it comes to CTS Lead Tinning Equipment such as the fact that its solder pots are built from alloys that are non-contaminating which is extremely lead-free compatible, durable and stable as well. When it comes to large solder capacities, they are capable of providing sufficient solder mass for applications that are in large formats and have no thermal loss. According to experts, the solders are presented as a non-turbulent and flat surface that has lesser dross production. As for the dynamic solder pots, they are configured using nitrogen insertion, and this is done for the purpose of making sure that superior laminar flow is provided and also, for the process of short lead length components, excellent pitch and other procedures to be done accurately and precisely.

Other than the things we mentioned above, there are still more that you should know of regarding CTS Tinning Lead Equipment like how the operator can program the system using a personal computer or a laptop computer. By doing so, they are given the chance of controlling various features in the said equipment like the simple user interface, concurrent axis control, unlimited program storage and also, network access. That is not all of it as we want you to know as well that the operator has full control over things like setting all parameter process which may include acceleration, immersion depths, and extraction of speed, insertion and dwells time as well.

These and more are the things that you have to know when it comes to CTS Lead Tinning Equipment.

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