Tips to Consider When Finding LED Parking Lot Lights
Security is enhanced by the presence of parking lot lights. They also help the visibility when parking vehicles. One may need to put up new light in case they did not exist. There may be a need to replace the lights available. In both cases it is important to be able to choose the correct LED parking lot lights. Commercial centers should have the lights in LED form. LED is used for indicator lights in electronic devices. LED light only needs a low number of voltage to operate. When installed outside they can be connect with the solar panel. This document will outline the things to consider when finding LED parking lot lights.
You need to know whether you want to upgrade your parking lot lights. You will be able to know the cost of upgrading that include installing the lights, disposing the current fixtures, know whether there is any discount that comes with converting to LED lights etc. You will need to check whether upgrading makes sense by calculating the amount of energy you will be saving after upgrading.
Whether there are lights or you need to add more lights is something you need to consider. You will be able to save a lot if there were lights in the same place before. The saving comes as a result of using the existing poles and wires.This means that you will also not incur a lot of expenses when it comes to labor and material. Plan to get licenses,poles and wires if there existed no lights before . A general contractor will be needed to help pt up the lights. Getting a well experienced contractor is important. This will make sure that the job is done well saving on money and time.
When it comes to mounting the LED parking lot lights it is important to know how the fixtures will mount. Knowing what mounts you have is important so you can order the right parts so as to save money and time. It is important to know what wattage will be used in the area. Before purchasing the lights it is important to know what distribution pattern will work for you .Photo metric software can be used to check out the area so as to come up with the best distribution pattern.
It is important to consider the correct color temperature of the bulbs. From the range given chose the color temperature that is best suited for outdoor. CRI being the standard measurement of quality light should be considered. The recommended CRI is above 70. It s good to know if there rebates when purchasing the lights. Warranty is important to consider since you want to know who will assist when there is a problem.
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