Questions About You Must Know the Answers To

Prioritizing First In Him is Vital

It is essential to learn that the kingdom is the reign and rule of God. In Mathew, you will get some expression of the kingdom of heaven. Seeking God’s kingdom first will involve the prioritizing of the relationship with God. The God kingdom ought to be established within a person before talking about it.

Additionally, the kingdom of God required to reign in the individual spirit, soul and body. When there is reigning of the kingdom of God in the body, this will be determined and affect what we are doing. Additionally, when the kingdom of God is reigning in our soul, your feeling will have a great effect. The emotions will be coming under Jesus Christ’s authority. The emotions that can make you sin will be put into the subjection of the kingdom of the Lord.

There is a great effect on the thought when the kingdom of God is reigning in the person’s soul. The Word here will indicate that you require to have Christ mind. More to that, the thought must be conformed toward God’s word. When you get the kingdom of God is reigning in the soul you will find the will have a great effect. This will help you to surrender and become obedient to the will of God. In addition, when the kingdom of the Lord is reigning in your spirit, you will find that it is being yielded toward the Lord and be able to worship Him freely.

It is important to note that the kingdom of God is bringing about the good character of God. The reason is that the God is calling us to integrity, righteousness and holiness. Some times it is very embarrassing to find the state of sin existing in many churches. No one is very perfect and what we need is thanking God for His mercy and grace. More to that, we require to understand that God has given us salvation to be conformed toward the image of Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit, you will have the capacity and the power to help you overcome sin and have a victorious life of Christianity.

Prioritizing our relationship with our God, we require to refocus in and have some spiritual disciplines. It is noted that the early church had a significant commitment to fellowship and teaching to the prayer and breaking of bread. These are therefore the kingdom living rudiments. The teaching of apostles shows us that we require some investment in studying and knowing together with working on the word of God.

When you consider prioritizing the kingdom of God over anyone, you will be able to live a peaceful life. Additionally, you will require to see the world through the eyes of the kingdom apart from the use of the flesh. This will ensure the community has some transformation. It is essential again to have more love toward one another to be worthy of Him. You will on the other need to be governed by the influence and the divine principles.

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